John Eric O. Abon

John Eric O. Abon

I’m from the Philippines, before joining the FarmsLab Team, I worked at the Philippine Rice Research Institute as a research specialist focusing on design and development of small-scale farm machinery for drought and rain-fed rice areas targeting agriculture solution to benefit farmers and stakeholders. I focused on the understanding of the value of data services and improved scientific strategies, such as image acquisition using innovative sensors to accelerate analysis and immediate solutions in the agricultural sector.

My primary research projects focus on the remote sensing technology application in precision agriculture using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones. The drones are outfitted with a variety of high-resolution cameras and sensors for image acquisition and monitoring the crop's condition in the field. Studies include monitoring different activities such as variable rate fertilizer, seed coating, and selective site-specific fertilizer placement. Outcomes are achieved by processing images, analysis, and cartography including creating a variety of maps and polygons utilizing optimal flight time, appropriate altitude and angle of waypoints, and grid option image overlap.

Projects and programs for FarmsLab:

Meet John Eric O. Abon